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Landscape Design, Install & Maintenance

Thrive Landscape Services is a full-service landscaping company offering residential and commercial solutions to keep your property looking its best throughout the year. Whether you want landscape design ideas to make the most out of your property or a reliable team of professionals to take the responsibility of weekly or seasonal lawn maintenance off your plate, you can count on our friendly and knowledgeable team. Our team members bring with them many years of experience in the landscape industry. Contact us to schedule a free estimate.

Landscape Services in South Jordan, UT

Your One-Stop Shop for Landscape Services

Our team of professionals has decades of experience in the landscaping industry. The owner, Derek Martindale, has worked in the landscaping industry for more than 20 years, and his experience includes maintenance and installation on some of the marquee properties on the west coast, such as The Ritz-Carlton in Laguna Niguel, CA, and the corporate campuses of Facebook, Amazon, Oracle, and more. He started his own landscaping business to bring homeowners and local businesses the same type of white-glove service these national brands expect. Browse our service offerings to learn what we can do for you, including:

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Landscape Design & Installation in South Jordan, UT

A Custom Approach & Clear Customer Communication

At Thrive Landscape Services, we take pride in going the extra mile when it comes to customer communication and engagement. We’re always available to take your call and answer any questions you have about your project, the timeline, or landscaping advice. We have teams dedicated to specific services to provide our customers peace of mind that their project is being completed by knowledgeable pros. If you partner with us for sprinkler system installation, you can be confident that members of our irrigation tech team will be there to complete the job. Details like these set us apart and have garnered us high praise from our clients. We’re only satisfied once the job is done right, and we look forward to helping bring your property to its full potential.

Schedule a Free Landscape Estimate

We’re excited to discuss your residential or commercial landscape needs with you. Tell us a little about your project, and we’ll get in touch to schedule a free estimate convenient to your schedule.